Did the Vancouver Sun Run today and managed to run the full 10Km under an hour without any stoppage time or brisk walks!!! aaaauuuufff aaauuufff aaauuufff!!! this feeling is soooo good and i predict it will carry on for a couple of days. hell yeah!!!but of course, i am suffering from really bad bad muscle cramps and ez is putting up with my adoi adoi adoi and aaaahhh, sakit sakit sakit complains!! poor him.
ezra, damian and i woke up this morning feeling very very very nervous about the run. we weren't clear about a few things and i did the hollywood act by telling them and myself that i will be walking the first half and then pecut the second half. ezra and i were banking on Damian to finish before us since he signed up for a faster estimated finish time compared to ours. we signed up two groups lower to Damian's. we were such eager beavers, waited for nearly an hour before the start in the damn blinking cold.
as the gun went off, Damian went ahead and we took our time. had my ipod on and the moment Bob Sinclair was playing, i felt excited and started to jog. i followed this guy that looked pretty serious about his running and had a good pace and so i stalked him. i stalked and found that i couldn't stop. after the 5km mark, i lost the serious runner cos by now he started to pecut and so i had to find a new one which i did and i stalked again. lost him too and i stalked a new one. and so this stalking thing went on till the finish line. i became a serious stalker! ezra and damian were behind me and they took pictures of bands performing along the way and enjoyed the free drinks! they're made for each other. so farnee, two specky malaysian guys just having a go at the sun run. i decided to push myself real hard at the final km and it felt SO FARKING BRILLIANT to cross the finish line as a stalker with sore thighs... HOORAY!!! malaysia boleh la!!
my two buddies arrived 20mins after... and we decided to cab it back home. home was only 10mins walking distance. tsk tsk tsk. 10km can but 10mins, naaahh.let's naik cab je la!
go wiki vancouver sun run now! more pictures in the next post and thanks so much guys for the birthday wishes!! love love love!!