Wednesday, 18 April 2007

happy birthday ming!!

the many faces of ming... minum boleh, makan boleh, ka-la-OK pun boleh!!

happy happy happy birthday ming!! if you think this is one day late, whateverla!! we're on a diffrent time zone here so it's canada time ok! hope you had a good day and many more great birthdays to come and we sincerely hope that you are feeling better after the recent event - suez


Eric said...

hEYYYYYyyyyy thank you for the wishes!!!!!!!!! I assume u didnt forget my birthday, so I shall be expectin a present from you then.

ohh.. one from Suzy... one from Ezra man... *grinz* hehehehe... i shall post up a belated birthday wishlist on my blog! hehehe....

NO said...

hahaha aww the picture of ming and jac karaoke-ing is so cute.

hi kagee !!

love you buhbye !!

