Saturday 19 May 2007

we are all queen of shebas

it's been a really really really long time since the last time i wrote. so much has happened and it's all henry's fault! muahahahaha... just kidding. well, not really. since his arrival 2 and a half weeks ago, my blogging concentration has lost its way... plenty of pics next time and plenty more crap as well.

tonite matt asked me a question.

matt: so what's your blog about? haven't seen it in a while
suz: urrrmmmm... hmmmm. that's funny. it's about anything really. actually, i wanted to bla bla bla ( i lost my concentration completely due to the great amount of laughing and lost of focus due to .... ya ya ya this isn't going any where)

note:excessive use of 'lost' and 'concetration' due to the lack of.... hahahahaha

so yeah. great events happened the past few weeks. historical ones too. tomorrow we leave for europe.

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