Wednesday, 13 February 2008

st valentine's

love is a beautiful thing and to be in love is a process that is indescribable. the closest understanding of love is probably listening to songs of the Beatles (well at least for me). sometimes you might catch yourself off guard by being in love with love rather than the person that you are in love with. chemistry and vibrations can be things that are so difficult to explain unless you are dr. love. lust for some can be dangerous and awesome... but love is beautiful when you know you don't need a doctor's degree to feel it and we are greatly fortunate to be able to feel it, what it makes us do and how it makes us think.

Philosophy of Love
"With the catching, is the end of the pleasures of the chase. - Abraham Lincoln

Personal Love
"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile- the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. - Unknown

Cynical Love
"Parrots, tortoises and redwoods live a longer life than men do. Men, a longer life than dogs do. And dogs- have generally a longer life than love does. --Edna St. Vincent Millay

i'm not such a huge fan of valentine's day. along with some folks, i fall under the category of thinking that it's overrated. the day of love should be whatever day you want it to be and should not be dictated by a specific date. and shit!! florists around the globe just go overboard with the prices of roses! i've seen some bloke spend a thousand ringgit on roses!

but the best bit about this day - ... the chocolates *huge grin* and to see people around me celebrate their love. happy loving! to my family and friends, i love you... i can never say it enough...

1 comment:

Ezra said... 'i love you' to the person who bought you chocolates, air kelapa and flowers ke? :P