congratulations to riam on achieving such great results for her SPM!! i know this is a late wish but better now than never!! i truly am proud of you and we all know how shitty SPM is. your dedication and hardwork was admirable, nothing NOTHING compared to how i treated SPM during my time and i salute you!!! hoooray!! and to all your friends as well, send them my hugs for braving through the ridiculous malaysian education system. you will soon realize how useless your results are and that SPM is just a scam so you will take education seriously. bah!! big BAH!! for me, it was a worthless piece of paper that was meant for many worthless heartaches. i'm so excited about you and CIMP and going to Melbourne which means more melbourne trips for me!!!muahahaha... CIMP is so much fun and you'll love some of the teachers. i hope you get Mr Tan, he taught me english and was super super super nice!!! he was the one who introduced me to RK Narayan. and then and then and then, when you get to melb, we can hang out together when i visit you!! many many many awesome places!! and henry!!! we can meet henry!! man, melbourne was good. miss henry and jo ... miss them so much. we had such great fun hanging out together. saturday nights at bliss and curing hangovers on sundays at cafe sweethearts, having plain fun and of course the daily routine of work/school (oh bother!). i truly hope and i'm sure you'll have wonderful moments in melbourne, if not 10 times better!!

my best buds for life

doing what we do best... jump little children. SAY C-H-E-E-S-E!

hello there kak G. Have you seen John Mayer yet? If you havent then take loads of photos when you do okay. And post them up. And tell him Nazneem Hashim Bt Zahar Mohd HAshim from Malaysia says she loves him. But if you can't then its okay, i dont mind.
I dint know that you update your blog regularly. I think you exchanged your blogging power with riam. Riam never updates now. I guess cause she's too lazy. Busy with college and what not.
Okay, bye KAK G. Give my salam to Azra. Have fun in Canada. Peace be upon you.
omg kagee !!! i have mr tan for english !! omg !! will he remember you?? then i'll tell him my sister is suzanna. but it Was a long time ago though right?
okay please come online more often i miss you lots.
muah love you to bits and pieces,
p/s hi captain M
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