One of the most surprising news this summer in the music industry is Prince's way of marketing his latest album. Instead of selling his record to big music labels and retailers, he crossed all boundaries and gave away his latest album Planet Earth for free with the UK's Daily Mail on Sunday. Not only was it free for the British fans, it is now available on the internet for download (courtesy of the brits that got it for free) and of course I took the liberty of click clicking. Talk about direct marketing!
I have been a huge fan of Prince since the days of Purple Rain and he has not failed his fans with each album released and I predict this album to be one of the best summer albums of '07. The aspect of this newly released album should not only be looked upon his tracks and melodies but also note the sound production and engineering. Superb quality and the bas guitar in each track is Prince's signature element. It is as though he lives and breathes their every tune and hence singing unpredictable melodies.Brilliant.
Many retailers have condemend this bold move and he is receiving bad criticism by record industries almost every hour but so what... At least the majority of us are listening to his songs for free and think of him as another music legend. He is my living music legend.
Singapura tak jadi pergi. Si suami merajuk pasal I gi jumpe ex-pakwe ngan keluarga die sekali.
what did happen however, was clubbing in KL. while the crowd is still shit, i have been reunited with my clubbing crew and it's fucken a lot of fun la! can't wait for you to come back!! :))))
oh AND i'm going to tokyo!! tips, baybeh!
mmmm its good that u r active again on ur blog. hehehe...
btw, frequent my blog more often ler, paid ads ler.. hehe.
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